Your Bonus

Here you can find information about our journey and how you can become a part of it

When do you feel comfortable with us?

We live with nature and have learned that our motto “what will come” is a good and mindful basic attitude for us and all people who want to share time with us on ENJA.

In sailing we are so close to nature that we cannot force anything. This is what makes it so appealing for us. We get out of the predictable everyday life, dive into the here and now.

We invite our fellow sailors to share this motto with us, so that no one is disappointed that we do not follow a rigid plan. Those who accompany us actively shape the day and participate in smaller and larger tasks, as they occur on a ship. Everyone contributes according to their talents and possibilities!

Relax & Sail

You will accompany us on the voyage, you will be a member of the crew and you can also take time for yourself. Get out for a while. Immerse yourself in nature experiences, in sun, wind and weather.

Be open and curious and let your experiences touch you. Exchange digital demands for real feeling and experiencing. Give yourself the time to recognize your potentials and to center yourself again.

The time with us on the ship may be an experience for you, where you participate in our daily routine according to your abilities. On the ship you are away from the noisy world, away from the masses, or rather you only enter it for a short time and then retreat back to the water. In addition, there is the sporting and physical challenge and the immersion in the elements. Sometimes you have to let go, and despite foresighted planning and preparation, you have to let go of what is coming. Perhaps a good exercise for life.


Pure Sailing

We always offer stages on our journey that we sail together with friends and Patreons. Our trips are non-profit, you contribute to the costs of the trip, as well as the equipment, insurance and fees required to carry it out. Active sailing and being part of our videos is a prerequisite!

Friends will be informed by us and as a Patreon you can register for a lottery for a place.

With us you can make your dream come true to go on a trip with a ship! Join us and take a break from your everyday life.

As a Patreon Member, you will be familiar with the ship and our life on it before you arrive. You can always communicate with us and we will answer all your questions.  At some stages you can also register with us for a lottery for a berth.  Registration is possible from 2023.

If you already want to announce your interest, please send us a mail.

Interested in Patreon membership? Register here from 2023!

You can send us requests directly as a Patreon and already your own sailing journey begins to become reality!


What do I need to take with me?

Note to take as little plastic packaging as possible and a foldable travel bag.

Shower gel can be perfectly replaced by soaps, which are now available in drugstores in excellent quality, even for hair.

We have a checklist for you to download

How does the food supply work?

Basically, there is a kitchen with a gas stove and a refrigerator on our ship and therefore food can be transported and prepared.

If you live on the ship, all necessary food and beverages are stored at the beginning, as far as possible, and continuously supplemented. Thus, breakfast and snacks are secured.

In the evening we are usually in a bay or harbor where there is a wide choice of places to eat. If this is not the case, we cook together or take turns cooking.

We emphasize healthy food, we do not cook meat in warm regions, because purchase and transport are difficult.

How do I get there?

Normally you organize the arrival yourself and we will give you all the necessary information and tips. As a rule, our ship can be occupied from 13.00 at the earliest and from 17.00 at the latest. The departure should take place until 10.00 a.m. on the day of departure, because after that the preparations for the next guests begin.

What to do in case of seasickness?

Basically, only a few people are prone to real seasickness. If you don’t feel nauseous in a car or bus, you shouldn’t have a problem at sea.

If the waves hit the ship in a very unfavourable way you may feel a little tired, that is not a problem. Lying down and dozing and looking at the horizon will provide relief. Heavy food, coffee and alcohol should be avoided. If you’re doing chores while sailing, the distraction can help, too.

But if you are still unsure and want to take something against seasickness, here are some tips.

Natural remedies: vitamin C (min 500mg retanated); Zintona, Sea-Band (acupressure easy to find online).

Medications: Antimentil, Travelex, Neo-Emedyl, Scopoderm Transdermal Patch.